About us
Since 1998 we have been working so you could get the highest quality seeds from the most renown European seed providers. We offer seeds from famous brands such as Rijk Zwaan and Clause.
To make professional seeds available to the growers, we distribute them in smaller packets. Both commercial growers and gardeners tending smaller gardens can buy them at affordable prices. Some of the seeds are sold as seed–tape for the convenience of enthusiasts’ gardeners.
To satisfy the needs of experienced gardeners, we have created the PROFI package series. This product line contains the seeds of exceptional quality from renowned companies. PROFI package seeds are those, recommended by our specialists.
Seeds of standard characteristics are cheaper and are packaged by other Lithuanian companies, too. However, Sekluva packages often hold more seeds.
SODZIUS is a package series with an original design. They contain two to three times more seeds than ordinary packages. As we decrease packaging costs, so do the prices of seeds. On rarer occasions seeds are packaged into EXOTICA packages.
As well as vegetable seeds, we offer flower seeds. To our clients directly from well-known international suppliers, such as Černy and Satimex. We package the most valuable and breeder seeds in PROFI package series. Very small flower seeds are weight in grams, which is why it is easy to sow them, and the seedlings grow stronger and more resistant to diseases.
We are certified supplier of reproductive materials for fields and gardens. This is in accordance to the seed establishment law of the Republic of Lithuania – Certificate No 00512. We pay exceptional attention to the quality of the seeds. Therefore regularly inspect the seeds at State Laboratory of Seed and Grain Service.
In our specialized shops in Vilnius, Kaunas, Marijampole, Ukmerge, Utena and Vievis we offer not only the seeds but also various garden equipment. Our seeds are also distributed by other retailers in smaller towns. Retail partners list is available on our website.
We invite smaller retailers, individuals, and farmers to become partners by contacting us.
UAB Sėkluva
Head office and bulk sales
Vilniaus g. 37
LT-21376 Vievis
Tel.: (+370 528) 2 62 92, (+370 528) 2 70 17
Email: info@sekluva.lt